Building Animals in Ceramic Paperclay Workshop Mar 11-15 , 2024

Building a sculpture in Stoneware Paperclay class that will survive the kiln using my unique interior and exterior armature system. The fee covers 5 days of instruction and 25 lb. of paper clay.

Mar 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 of 2024


SKU: 25722 Category:

4 in stock

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Building an Animal Sculpture in Stoneware Paper Clay that will Survive the Fire... Paperclay is an amazing mix of standard clay, used in pottery, with emulsified paper.

This class will teach you how to build sculptures in stoneware paperclay with more confidence than you thought possible. Mary Susan Cate uses her unique armature which makes building a sculpture flexible and fluid as your creative juices flow.

The fee covers 5 days of instruction + 25 lb of Paperclay.


Every day: Education: 9 - 4; bring your lunch; studio open for individual work in the evening by appointment.

  • Day 1: WINNING THE GRAVITY WAR..introduce my exterior and interior armature system, and introduce the freedoms of using stoneware paper clay. Build. Evening: Gravity War Recovery: WINE NIGHT (BYO): I provide the (it's a meal) appetizers.
  • Day 2: RESPECTING THE MEDIUM; Adapting the basic anatomy to the vagaries of building in clay. Build. Lunch: PIE DAY …Evening: demo AMACO Velvet underglazes on the tile. Finish the Wine and appetizers...
  • Day 3: NARRATIVE ARRIVES: Build: Learning to change direction to enhance the narrative; SHADOW: Letting it tell the story.
  • Day 4: KNIFE DAY: Build. Remove exterior armature; kiln considerations; firing programs; packing it for the home journey. Evening: Finish the wine…LOL
  • Day 5: Applying AMACO Velvet Underglazes in different ways to inform the narrative... possibilities for a once fire by combining AMACO velvets and AMACO celadons in the first fire. Merry Mary's strange but wonderful firing schedules.


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